The Rijndael cipher was strongy influenced by the block cipher Square. The name of the algorithm is a combination of the names of its creators: Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. This is a very secure algorithm and has no known weaknesses.
It can use keys of different lengths, 128, 292 or 256 bits. Unlike Serpent and Twofish, the key must be on of the values mentioned before, this means that you cannot use any other arbitrary values. The number of rounds (iterations) of the algorithm can vary from 10 to 14 depending on the block size and key length.
The design philosophy of this algorithm is that security always comes before speed.
Rijndael can be implemented to run at speeds unusually fast for a block cipher on a
Pentium (Pro). There is a trade-off between table size/performance.
Rijndael can be implemented on a Smart Card in a small amount of code, using a
small amount of RAM and taking a small number of cycles. There is some
ROM/performance trade-off.
The round transformation is parallel by design, an important advantage in future
processors and dedicated hardware.
As the cipher does not make use of arithmetic operations, it has no bias towards big-or
little endian processor architectures.
The inverse cipher is less suited to be implemented on a smart card than the cipher
itself: it takes more code and cycles. (Still, compared with other ciphers, even the
inverse is very fast)
In software, the cipher and its inverse make use of different code and/or tables.
In hardware, the inverse cipher can only partially re-use the circuitry that implements
the cipher.
Original Text:
Se necesitan dos aos para aprender a hablar y sesenta para aprender a callar. Una frase de un personaje complejo que vivi intensamente y que escribi hasta lo que debi callar.
Encrypted Text with phrase: securenet2002:
NJOO^7 MÇVB45~*B ?>Okb0;roSj4
ǔh(mQG2I ą^Az‑Zey_A&R;ZRr‑4`}R)7wUm